詐騙集團在行騙時,為避免被抓,多透過軟體程式將IP位址(IP Address)變成浮動位址,因此本次連線,他的IP位址可能在美國,下次就在馬來西亞或其他國家。 因此,透過email郵件的IP 位址查詢,或許有助於網友分辨對方是否是騙子。(line,wechat,QQ等通訊軟體就不適用哦)




1.找理由要對方寄信給妳,而且一定要寄2次以上,才能做比較,可以寄到gmail, 或hotmail, yahoo等信箱。我的範例是以gamil來做,所以這個我比較清楚。有興趣的網友可以參考這篇文章(http://www.iptrackeronline.com/how-to-extract-email-headers.php)。另為了避免連結失效,我也會將該頁文章copy在最下面。




步驟二:從原始編碼中找Received: form.....的文字,後面[]內的,就是來信者的IP位址。




1.利用IP Tracker網站追查IP(網址為: http://www.ip-tracker.org/),事實上,追查IP位址的網站相當多,如果網友找不到這個網站,也可以在google search打關鍵字" IP位址"或"IP search"等,就可以追查了。

2。將查到的IP位址複到到IP Tracker最下面紅色框內,並按下面的"Lookup IP Adres with IP Lookup"按鈕,即可開始搜尋來信IP位置的所在城市。


步驟四:透過IP Tracker,找到了來信者使用IP的所在城市及位置了。



以下再教大家如何找到來信的IP位置,方式轉自ipTRACKERonline.com (網址:http://www.iptrackeronline.com/how-to-extract-email-headers.php),裏面有更多訊息,大家可以上去參考:

一.How to extract email headers from Gmail

    To extract email headers from Gmail:
  1. Open the email message.
  2. Click the down arrow adjacent to the Reply link in the upper-right corner of the email message
  3. Click Show Original.

二.How to extract email headers from Hotmail

   To extract email headers from Hotmail:
  1. Login to your Hotmail account.
  2. Click on Options tab on the top navigation bar
  3. Click on the Mail Display Settings link
  4. Change the Message Headers option to Full
  5. Click the OK button

三.How to extract email headers from Microsoft Outlook 2010

    To extract email headers from Microsoft Outlook 2010:
  1. Click the File
  2. Click Properties
  3. Locate Internet Headers (bottom of the popup window)

 四.How to extract email headers from Microsoft Exchange

    To extract email headers from Microsoft Exchange:
  1. To get the complete headers and message source using Microsoft Exchange Click the File menu
  2. Click Properties
  3. Click the Details tab
  4. Click Message Source
  5. Highlight, copy and paste everything from the Message Source window (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C)

五.How to extract email headers from Yahoo Mail

    To extract email headers from Yahoo Mail:
  1. Log into your Yahoo! Mail account.
  2. Click the Mail Options link on the left-hand navigation bar.
  3. Click the General Preferences link on the right.
  4. Locate the Show Headers heading and select All
  5. Click the "Save" button to put your new settings into effect.

六.How to extract email headers from Apple Mail 2.x

    To extract email headers from Apple Mail 2.x:
  1. Select the message that you would like to extract the headers of.
  2. Press SHIFT-COMMAND-H (Shift Ctrl H) to toggle full headers for the message. Or you can click VIEW in the menu bar, click MESSAGE, click LONG HEADERS.,/strong>
  3. Click the General Preferences link on the right.

七.How to extract email headers from Outlook.com (Hotmail)

To extract email headers from Outlook.com (Hotmail):
  1. Select the message that you would like to extract the headers of.
  2. Once you are inside the email click on the three dots at the top of the screen (to the right of Categories)
  3. On the dropdown menu click on View Message Source, you will then be presented with the full email headers.
  4. see Example above.
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